Why Men Should Do Yoga
Quentin Vennie, certified personal trainer, health coach, yoga instructor recently posted a very interested read on the Huffington Post.
In recent years there has been a large influx of yoga enthusiasts and practitioners nationwide. These days you can find a yoga class almost anywhere, from your classic yoga studios to local libraries and YMCAs. Even fitness chains have started to catch on, with many of them offering a wide range of yoga classes as an added benefit to their members.
The fact is, yoga is everywhere!
There are many benefits in maintaining a consistent yoga practice. Yoga has been shown to relieve stress, enhance mental focus, improve posture, improve mood and increase flexibility. With all of the life changing advantages of yoga, there is one question that remains: Where are all of the male yogis?
Read the rest of the article on the Huff Post Healthy Living pages.
Find out more about Quentin Vennue